Fat loss and muscle gain are two very different things, but they can also occur at the same time. If you wish to lose fat and build muscle mass, you should first understand the physiology behind both processes.

Understanding Fat Loss

For fat loss to occur, the fatty deposits are first broken down into fatty acids and glucose, which are then utilized for energy.

In the fat-burning process, the fat cells stay exactly where they’re distributed within the body, i.e., the waist, hips, chest, etc. However, the fat cells release triacylglycerol (free fatty acids) into the bloodstream. These are transported to areas where energy is required. The process in which the triacylglycerol molecule splits into glycerol and three fatty acids is known as lipolysis and is catalyzed by the enzyme hormone-sensitive lipase. Moreover, when the triacylglycerol molecules are released from the fat cells, the cells shrink. This is why the regions where fat deposits had accumulated tend to look smaller, because the fat cells themselves become smaller.

The process in which you lose fat while building muscle is known as body re-composition. It requires a careful balance of caloric intake as well as fewer caloric surplus.

Understanding Muscle Growth

Muscle hypertrophy is the term used to describe muscle growth. It occurs when more myosin filaments are added to muscle fibers, making the latter bigger and stronger. However, this is hardly a simple process.

To strengthen muscle fibers, your body requires protein as well as mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin). The latter is a complex form of protein that’s responsible for the regulation of how much muscle gain occurs, and when. There also needs to be a balance between muscle protein synthesis and protein breakdown, as the effects of either process cancel out that of the other.

What your body needs is a positive protein balance. This allows the surplus to be directed into muscle cells. This is also referred to as being anabolic, i.e., being in a state of building tissues in the body for muscle gain.

For effective fat loss and muscle building to occur simultaneously, you can’t only rely on caloric intake or exercise. You also need to adhere to a proper nutrition plan that includes fat loss and muscle gain supplements. That’s where our team at Pharmologics can help you. Get in touch with us for more details about our products and how they can boost your health.